Hi! I hope you’ve had a nice few days. I’ve been well. Had some blood work to get done before my surgery this week and just waiting for the day to come and go. All will go well!

Other than that I relaxed this weekend, did some deep cleaning around the house and watched some movies.

Enjoy this week’s post! —- Hold up! Just realized that this is the 100th post! What a milestone! If you’ve been here since the beginning…You’re the real MVP! Regardless of how long you’ve been here, THANK YOU. I mean it. Here’s to 100 more! 🎉

  1. A vegan mini red velvet cake from Vegan Treats. They have a website too. It’s my go to for desserts.

  2. Legos.

  3. One of the Lego flowers. I’ll share the bouquet once it’s completed.

  4. My very first Chick-o-Stick. It was o-kay.

  5. Maroon 5’s Songs About Jane is one of my all time favorite albums. I can listen to this from start to finish without skipping a song. Of course I needed to add the Vinyl to my collection.

  6. This weekend I decided to watch the Final Destination films. The final movie is set to be released on 5/16.

  7. This candle was gifted by Annie and omg. I love the smell. I am no longer buying candles. I learned that they’re not healthy. Regardless of the wax used. Opting for essential oils. I’ll still use candles for other purposes just not for the scents and vibes 😩.

  8. Oh, hello there. On Sunday after washing my hair I threw some lipstick on, and modeled this top that I am selling on POSHMARK.

  9. This song is my jam! Blessd is my go to.

  10. My nails for the next two weeks. I really like them.

As always, thankful for your presence and that you stopped by. Have a great week!! Claim that sh*t! 😉

Love, light, the shadow too—-Cin.

If you’d like to donate or support me and my blog: Cashapp $. cincimma , Venmo   @cincimma funds go towards learning.  materials, and monthly website domain fees.


I wasn’t really planning on writing anything for the next few days or weeks. I’d come on and stare at the blinking cursor for a few minutes. Throw some pictures together and then scrap the entire thing.

I like keeping things organic and not forced.

So, I decided to just be honest and bring you in on what’s happening.

Right now I am at a time that I have shedded a lot. My brain is accepting of the fact that things have changed and I am wrapping my mind around all of what’s changed. And getting to know the new. It can feel over whelming at times, scary, but it’s feeling less and less lonely. Although it may not seem that way on the outside. Within I am feeling more and more at peace. My Faith is stronger than ever. I just know without worry that everything will be okay. Everything. Yes, things may feel differently in the moment but everything that has not killed me has always, always made me stronger. And I’m sure that if you look at yourself and your journey you can say the same. I hope you can. Thats one of the beautiful things about life.

I have been throwing out a lot of things and packing things up clothing items for donation bins. I am literally declutterring my life and the space around me. I sorta did the whole Marie Kondo thing where you hold an item in your hand and thank it for the good times. Or thank it for keeping you warm (if it’s clothing). I recommend doing this multiple times throughout the year. Why? Because today one may decide to hold on to something a little longer, and then a month from now one may be ready to let it go. For me, the less items in my space the better I feel. It allows the energies to flow better, I get inspired and more clarity that way. I also need the space because I want the clothes that I wear to reflect who I am and what I am feeling. It really is a form of expression for me. And if I hold on to the things that I no longer need or connect with I wont have space for what I do need and connect with. I also plan on sharing more about all of the redecorating that I’ve been doing ☺️.

No pictures today. Speaking of pictures…The other day I realized something that to others may not seem like a big deal. But I have not taken any photographs of myself in weeks! I mean weeeeks! I don’t know why lol. But that’s going to change. I want to dress up and play with my makeup and just play in front of the camera. It’s something I’ve always enjoyed doing privately.

And before I go, I am happy to report that I have fully recovered from that virus that was going around. After a week and a half of vomiting, constant nausea, foggy head, headache and low low energy… I am healthy! I am so thankful that my body was able to do what it needed to to get us here.

I had mentioned in one of the last posts that I had been taking care of somethings health wise and after the big C word was mentioned by the doctor I am glad to report that results have came back and I am okay! Just going to keep monitoring things during the next year or so. I am having a procedure within the next few weeks and I’ll be able to put everything in the past. I also want to do a little something to celebrate. Can’t wait to share that!

And on that note, I hope you’re well and healthy,

Love, light the shadow too—-Cin.