I had a wonderful week and weekend (don’t forget to check out my birthday post). Made sure to get some time outside whether on break or after work to get some grounding in. Energetically I’ve been feeling a lot! So the grounding is needed.

How I ground: I always imagine my feet sprouting roots and the roots going deep into the ground, to connect with the roots underneath. I imagine myself absorbing the healing, loving, positive energy from the Earth, from the surrounding plants and animals. I also ground by touching the grass and the dirt. Gardening is a great way to do this. 15 mins daily is enough and I always feel better afterwards. Other ways of grounding can include the food that I consume. I pick ingredients that come from the ground, like potatoes, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin, etc. Also by consuming cacao and other herbal methods.

  1. Rosie knows a thing or two about comfort and naps.

  2. I was treated to a mani and pedi. Went with green. Shock.

  3. Made a bath.

  4. The Universe showered me with flowers this weekend.

  5. The best “chicken” sandwich I’ve had. So freakin tasty!

  6. I love different/exotic looking flowers.

I am writing this on Sunday. Sundays are my self care, setting the tone for the week ahead days. I prepped my meals for the week, my workout routine for the next two weeks, sorted and got rid of clothing (mostly Adrian’s outgrown items.

And now I am just relaxing ready to unwind for the night.

I wish you a wonderful week!

Love, light, the shadow too—-Cin.

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