Yes! You read that right. We are skipping right on over Thanksgiving this year! To be honest, I don’t and never really have cared about the Holiday. Specially with how it originated. I just went along with the tradition because of family, and friends. But I don’t really care for it. I don’t eat turkey, so my mother would always make something for us both since she didn’t eat turkey either. It was something we’d usually eat throughout the year like ribs, or pernil. So, it wasn’t like I’d be looking forward to that special meal that I’d only eat on that “special” Thursday.

Last year Joe and I decided to go away this year. And we booked a trip to Orlando. So, that’s where Adrian, Joe and I will be on that Thursday. Flying out to Orlando, and making memories as a family. Adrian doesn’t really know what’s going on but he knows we are all doing something together. I’m just trying to remain positive, and praying to God and our spiritual teams that everything goes according or better than planned! And that’s all that I can do. Plan and pack accordingly and have faith that my prayers have been answered.

And since we are skipping it, I just decided to go into decorating for Christmas mode! Every year I always say “next year Ill decorate a little more” or “next year I will order and outdoor decor to spruce up the yard a little.” And we are here! I refuse to procrastinate with my plans. So, I put away the faux pumpkins and made a few changes in the living room. Starting with the curtains, and couch pillows.

I have to buy white sheer curtains. The ones pictured are a cream color & matched the previous curtains.

I have to buy white sheer curtains. The ones pictured are a cream color & matched the previous curtains.


Pretty soon after that I decided that we needed a wreath, and soon I will visit craft stores for other Winter (will match with Christmas decorations but work for the entire season) wall decor. And I will order the decoration for the outside of our home as well. Adrian will be very pleased when he sees it. As for the remainder of the indoors, I am not finished yet. As the days pass I will continue adding some finishing touches, as well as the Christmas tree. But that will probably come up after Thanksgiving. Do you have any special traditions for the Holiday season?

I hope you enjoyed the pictures.

Love & Light, Cin.


Long time no speak! If you’re an inhabitant of Planet Earth, then you know the deal. We have been Quarantining and Social distancing since March 12th and just last Friday our community went from being in the yellow to the green with the cases of the Covid-19.

I personally had an uncle and cousin live through the virus. My father lost two of his cousins, a friend of mine lost her mother due to the complications due to prior medical history, a neighbor of mine lost his life weeks after his own brother succumbed to sickness. My father in law lost two of his siblings and an in law. If you or anyone you know have been affected by the virus and the shut down of businesses (loss of work etc) I send you my love.

Home schooling kicked my ass those first weeks. Teaching a 6 year old boy (an Aquarius!) was rough. We had arguments, we fought, and tears were shed from both of us lol. But we made it through! He made it through the rest of the weeks and has become such a good reader. He’s also very bright with Math. I am thankful to his teachers and his school district for the support and help. Now that those days are behind us… Its been nicer these days though because now people can actually be around each other. Still maintaining the precautions of washing our hands, not touching our faces, keeping fingers out of our eyes and mouths… Noses too for others lol. And he can go back to playing with children his age. He’s been getting to know the neighbor’s kids. The ones across from us have 4 and there are others that come over. Its cute because many of the adults from the block (grandparent age range, parents, late 20s) take turns watching the street and making sure the cars slow down when they drive through. Children really do bring people together, and add such a beautiful je ne se pais to their surroundings. He’s an only child so it makes my heart smile.

Here are some pictures. They’re not in any special order. But these are a few of the many things I’ve enjoyed & am thankful for so welcome to ‘Thankful Tuesdays’:

Nature has been refreshing and welcoming to us all during this time, Adrian has outgrown his bicycle and his new one arrived this afternoon, and that’s my boy in his small floatee lol hey, it still works, but it was an impromptu pool day at Joe’s supervisor’s house. We had it alllllll to ourselves. The water was 72 degrees and yeah I didn’t fully submerge lol.