On Sunday I accompanied a friend of mine to a local Holistic Fair. It was my third time attending one. There’s another one coming up in December, and we will be going to that one. It’s a breath of fresh air to know a friend that would go with me to these. I’ve been blessed with great friends over the years and they all know who they are. I don’t have to have the same beliefs as everyone in my life, but it is a breath of fresh air having conversations with the ones that are on the same page as I am. We teach each other., and remind each other that we are more than this Human experience.
For example, I have a best friend that lives several States away from me. And over the years both of our beliefs in things have evolved, and now we find ourselves believing and feeling some of the same things. Its great being able to open up to someone and them understanding, hearing you, and feeling what you’re saying. And then having them come back with something else that will have me thinking and wanting to learn more.
Along the way (your journey), you might also lose some friendships. Or move on from them, and that too is okay. I don’t have any past friendships that have ended with us on bad terms. It has always been love. Just from afar. And I have reconnected again with some of those same friends, and we are back on track as if we never hit the Pause button. I am also not the person to share all of your stories, and business because we are on Pause. I cherish them, and hold them close to my heart. I say this because I am at this moment again. I am reevaluating the friendships in my life. And have made the heart conscious decision of stepping back and hitting Pause on my end. It is something that has been tugging at my heart the last few months. Friendships shouldn’t be so damn hard. They shouldn’t have you begging to spend time with them because you’re hurting and need a shoulder or ears to listen. It should come naturally. I also refuse to shrink myself and my beliefs because they make you uncomfortable or challenge your own. I’ll say it again, I REFUSE. And I won’t so I am vowing out or hitting Pause. Now, my question to myself is Should I notify this friend or just quietly bow out?
What do you suggest?
To those friendships on Pause, and the ones on Play… Thank you.
Love and Light always, Cin.