When I left New York and started a new life in Pennsylvania the only thing that I would pray for was to find one good friend. Someone that I had things in common and to hang out with. Simple right? It took a few years before that really happened. Of course I met great people (some that are still a part of my life today! At my jobs along the way.) But I didn’t really meet someone I clicked with until 2011. And then again in 2013. That’s when I started working with this gem, who became my great friend Alexandra. Well, she’s moving away to a warmer state and I am cheering her all the way! Yes, it’s always sad when someone so special and loved moves away. But you have to put your feelings aside and put theirs first! And I know that this change will be something great for her! You hear that? Your future is bright and I can’t wait to visit and see it for myself.
While working with Alex, I also bonded with these other two special women. The one in the floral pink is Catiria, and the one in the pink/white sleeveless is Elena. Each of us have our own stories, walks in life, struggles, and strengths. And we all bonded in the safe space we created for each other. We laugh! We cry! We vent! We celebrate! I just love and enjoy them. I’ve also had the privilege of getting to know some of their daughters and have grown to love them. I could go on and on but let me just get to the pictures! We went to The Museum of Illusion in Philadelphia. It was like an hour or so long. But it was fun and we laughed a lot! Here are some of those captured moments:
After the museum we walked around for a few minutes and decided we’d go to Cuba Libre to eat since it wasn’t too far away. I ordered a Ropa Vieja which is the first dish pictured. And a Mango Nojito.
After our meals we walked around and decided to grab some ice cream.
The interior of the ice cream shop was very vintage. They had these glass shelves along the walls filled with vintage items. The shop is very small, the day we went they weren’t accepting cash. They serve your ice cream in a chinese food container. The serving is decent. The taste and quality is amazing. I didn’t purchase any, but I got to try my friend’s cookies and cream and another’s coconut ice cream. Coconut was my favorite!
We walked around some more, taking pictures along the way.
If you’re thinking about relocating or already have. I know how scary that can be. To up and move away from everything you’ve ever known, and go somewhere you might not know anyone. It’s sad, scary, and exciting all at once! For me? It took time, patience, Faith, and resilience. I also had to keep myself open. Even if the friendship turned out to be not as solid or long lasting as I’d hoped. I was and still am thankful for them, and the lessons. I trusted that once I found a job I’d have an easier time meeting new people. And I did! I also met friends through co workers. That’s how it is sometimes, they introduce you to someone else and voila! You just have to say yes to whatever feels comfortable to you. A game night? A brunch? A little get together after work? Go! You never know! What’s the best that could happen? What’s the worst? I’m glad I gave myself and these beauties a chance. No regrets! Alex, you’ll continue to do great things wherever you go and to the ones that still remain here, looking forward to visiting Alex and to creating more memories together, love you!
Love, light and the shadowy too,