Something that I have realized is that people will box you in. Maybe not on purpose but they will. They meet you and may always see you as the person that you were when you first met. I personally have a hard time connecting when I notice that someone has done this with me. I can always tell! I maintain eye contact when I am talking to someone and can see it in their eyes when certain things don’t click.
This is something I am noticing with many personal relationships. It doesn’t “scare” me in the jump scare way but it doesn’t stir some emotions and thoughts. I sit with those for a few and work them out. And go from there. But I am wondering who will remain after it’s all said and done? The last time I went through something like this was my senior year of High School. My second spiritual awakening happened at the age of 17 and it nearly killed me.
I wont go into details today. But I will very, very soon. For now, I am letting go and letting God. Going with the flow and not trying to control everything. I reach out to those that reach out to me, or if spirit guides me to reach out to someone. I am being very selective with my energy and just in a nurturing of self mode. Being selfish. Something I need to be at this time.
I’ll be sharing pictures from my trip back to Punta Cana in a few days. Just needed to get this off my chest.
For now enjoy this beautiful ocean view:
The beach or near a body of water is my happy place. And although Im always very protective of my goals, plans, and aspirations I can say that I am looking forward to reaching my goal of relocating nearer to the ocean. It is happening sooner than I could’ve ever imagined!
Love, light, the shadow too—-Cin.
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