Went back to NY this weekend because Xenia was in town. Here are a few pictures from the weekend! 🩷

Yes, the city was packed! But the energy was great! That’s all I hoped for. Xenia and I referred to ourselves as tourists in our own home state. But we were both pleasantly reminded, once a New Yorker always a New Yorker lol.

Love, light, the shadow too—-Cin.

If you’d like to donate or support me and my blog: Cashapp $. cincimma , Venmo   @cincimma funds go towards learning.  materials, and monthly website domain fees.


Entering my third month eating Vegan and I gotta say I have noticed a difference! But before I dive in let me share that I eat 3-4 times a day. I don’t really eat snacks. If I do it’s usually sunflower seeds and something like ice cream, or a baked treat. I drink a lot of water. Always have. I don’t consume a lot of juice or any sodas. I enjoy an alcoholic beverage maybe 3-4 times a year. I felt like I needed to share that because most of you know me personally, or from a social network platform and may be aware of my weight loss journey afteeeeeer I had my son, lol. Now let’s discuss what I’ve noticed…

The first thing being my energy level. I am less tired throughout the day. I have also noticed that there’s less highs and lows with my energy levels in between meals. I also sleep in less. I have to really try to go back to sleep after I’ve woken up in the AM. My digestion is also smoother. I don’t have much stomach disturbances if any. I can’t tell you the last time I had a stomachache or had to go to the bathroom with any discomfort. This might be TMI but the smell of my number 2 is basically non existent. My morning breath is also non existent. It is never my intention to offend anyone with my opinions or thoughts, but I feel the smells have changed because I am not consuming dead flesh. Again, just my opinion.

I have recently added a supplement to my diet. And this is to aid in a problem that I had prior to switching my eating. That being the amount of hair that I have been shedding. It is why I had to cut my hair. I did some research online and decided on these, which I ordered via Amazon.

It’s still too early for me to give an honest review. But I can say that I took two capsules at once and didn’t feel any adverse reactions. Although annoyed, and yes it does upset me sometimes—-I am not really concerned about any underlying problems with my hair at this time because I know its a result from heat damage. I know myself well enough to know that this is something that happens to my hair every few years if I don’t treat it properly. Lesson learned. Lesson learned.

Although today’s post will only focus on the food items. I’ll admit, I am really enjoying finding the vegan alternative to everything that I used to consume and put on my body.

Last month I was hooked to roasted chickpea and sweet potato fajitas. Still am lol but I am trying not to bore of it so I pace myself. Without listing a complete recipe (unless you’d like that, and if you do please leave a comment) here are the vegan alternatives:

I knew I’d need to find a cheese and sour cream alternative. These two are delicious and taste like the regular ones.

Both were purchased from Whole Foods.

Here are some sauces that I’ve tried on my fajitas and recommend due to their excellent flavor.

Can you tell that I love Garlic? 😩 Below are pictures of my fajitas and what they usually look like. I’ve added some lettuce, and hummus as well. Everything I’ve shared is also in the fajitas.

I want to end this post on a sweet note… Well, I of course needed to find a Nutella substitute to razzle dazzle my treats and the vegan cupcakes that I enjoy so much. Here are my two favorites. Justin’s is the closest in flavor.

Justin’s is also easier to spread since it has this fluffy creamy consistency to it. I highly recommend it. Note: the aftertaste is more on the cocoa side.

I plan to keep sharing more on my vegan journey, and what other alternatives I discover and my thoughts/opinions.

Thank you for reading!

Love, light, the shadow too—-Cin.

If you’d like to donate or support me and my blog: Cashapp $cincimma , Venmo @cincimma funds go towards learning. materials, and monthly website domain fees.