Entering my third month eating Vegan and I gotta say I have noticed a difference! But before I dive in let me share that I eat 3-4 times a day. I don’t really eat snacks. If I do it’s usually sunflower seeds and something like ice cream, or a baked treat. I drink a lot of water. Always have. I don’t consume a lot of juice or any sodas. I enjoy an alcoholic beverage maybe 3-4 times a year. I felt like I needed to share that because most of you know me personally, or from a social network platform and may be aware of my weight loss journey afteeeeeer I had my son, lol. Now let’s discuss what I’ve noticed…
The first thing being my energy level. I am less tired throughout the day. I have also noticed that there’s less highs and lows with my energy levels in between meals. I also sleep in less. I have to really try to go back to sleep after I’ve woken up in the AM. My digestion is also smoother. I don’t have much stomach disturbances if any. I can’t tell you the last time I had a stomachache or had to go to the bathroom with any discomfort. This might be TMI but the smell of my number 2 is basically non existent. My morning breath is also non existent. It is never my intention to offend anyone with my opinions or thoughts, but I feel the smells have changed because I am not consuming dead flesh. Again, just my opinion.
I have recently added a supplement to my diet. And this is to aid in a problem that I had prior to switching my eating. That being the amount of hair that I have been shedding. It is why I had to cut my hair. I did some research online and decided on these, which I ordered via Amazon.