Welcome back! I hope you’re well.

Today I want to talk a bit about how I tie self care, self expression and creativity together! I won’t front and act like this is something I was intentionally doing—-heck, I wasn’t even aware that they tied in together until last night! Lol!

I can think back to when I was a little girl, and I’d watch my mom and the women in my life get ready for their days, or to go out. I’d always stare with amazement. I learned early on to not be scared to get messy with makeup, to get creative. I’d come out of my aunt’s rooms with makeup smeared all over (the product would be smeared in the right place but not as clean lol) and sometimes nail polish would be on my finger nails. I also learned how to walk in heels at the age of three!

Growing up mom mostly wore a natural look. Only lipstick and brow pencil on when she’d go out for day to day errands. She preferred sneakers, and jeans and sweat pants over dresses and heels. Always on top of her skin routines both in the AM and at night. These are some of the things that stuck with me. I find myself doing the same things. I’ve had a skin care routine since the age of 14 and a strict hair one for several years now (since 2009 when I started embracing my curly hair). I also pride myself in the way that I express my creativity, and mood with the way that I style myself whether it be with my outfit, make up, nails, or hair style. This does not make me vain, shallow or conceited. It’s just a form of self expression. And the time that I take to pour love into myself by washing my hair, moisturizing it, making sure my nutrition is on point too! Thats key when it comes to hair growth. Thats a perfect example of self care. I can do my own nails. But I like to take the time to go and get them professionally done. It forces me out of the house. Specially during the Winter. Another example of self care.

I say this because I will be opening up more about my routines, inspiration and looks on my day to day adventures with you in this space. I’ve received messages from moms and friends that ask me for tips and it’s time. Time to share this side of me with you all.

And to help kick things off…Please watch my latest YouTube video where I share my easy hair wash routine. It doesn’t require a lot of products or much time these days. It’s a quick watch. Don’t forget to hit the like button and subscribe if you haven’t! It’s another way that you can show me support/love. An energy exchange ☺️

As always, I am thankful that you stopped by and spent some time with me in this space.

Love, light, love—-the shadow too, Cin.

If you’d like to donate or support me and my blog: Cashapp $. cincimma , Venmo   @cincimma funds go towards learning.  materials, and monthly website domain fees.


Hi! Happy Tuesday!

Here are some of the pictures from my recent trip back to Punta Cana. This time it was to the Live Aqua Punta Cana Resort. It’s All Inclusive adults only. Next getaway is already loading!

I also wanted to take this time to encourage you to take advantage of an offer that I have for the month of December for a FREE Past Life Regression Hypnosis session! If you book now you can RSVP for any available date/time! Or if you know anyone that would be interested please share the link with them. You can access the link via the pull down menu and click the Past Life Regression tab. That session can run from an hour and a half to two hours or so. I just like to RSVP for 3-4 hours to block out my schedule to make sure I can provide you the time you need—- even if it goes over. It also does not include the 15 questions for your Guides/Ancestors. I will regress you and guide you to your past life/lives and see what was significant about that time and what about it resonates with this lifetime. You’ll receive the full Zoom video of the session by email.

Until then….Enjoy the pictures!

Love, light, the shadow too—- Cin.

If you’d like to donate or support me and my blog: Cashapp $. cincimma , Venmo   @cincimma funds go towards learning.  materials, and monthly website domain fees.