These last weeks have been a blur. A blurry rollercoaster ride. Emotionally and Spiritually. I wont go into every aspect or detail of those weeks because I prefer keeping that for my personal journal. But, a lot has changed within me, and my surroundings. On some days it feels like I am mourning my old life and the old ways of the World. But, just because those times felt comfortable, does not mean that all was right. For example, look at the World and all of the things that are going on, and the cries for change being made by millions. The World as we once knew it is no longer what it is. So, if you’ve been feeling anxious, stressed, low or depressed, you are NOT alone. Many of us are feeling the same. Many of us feel the energies of the collective and feel it as if they were our own. But this doesn’t have to always be the case. Please, take the time, heck even add a reminder to your calendar and set that time to build those boundaries around yourself. You can even do it for your loved ones. I always make the statement “Only good, and loving vibes and energy gets in. “
Here are some recent pictures:
So, to stay ahead of my depression I’ve just been trying to rest, take it easy with myself, speak loving words to myself, eat healthier, stay hydrated, get up and take that shower and wash and care for my hair even when I don’t feel like doing so, listen to happy music, sing out loud to keep my throat chakra opened. When I am depressed I could be silent for long periods of time. So I have to be conscious about it and make sure to ground myself and bring myself back to the moment. I’ve also been using Instagram less. Playing games on my phone when I feel the itch to get on IG. I was feeling very overwhelmed with emotions whenever I’d look through my Timeline. So I turn to my secondary account where I don’t follow anyone that I know in real life, and I also do no follow celebrities. I follow positive accounts with positive and real images. I’ve been working with my Oracle cards by picking a card daily and journaling what that card says.
I hope you’re well and safe.
Love & Light always, Cin.