Hi! This past week went by pretty fast. Adrian was sick this weekend so all of our plans had to be moved around a bit. By Sunday I was able to get out of the house for a few hours. I was able to see some family and spend quality time together.

Last week seemed to be the last one of the year with such high temps. We had a few days in the high 80s. Best believe I took advantage and spent as much time outside as I could.

Anyway, enjoy this recent photo dump of mine.

  1. I got a pretty cool picture of this majestic bird. If you’ve been here a while, you know who and what this bird represents for me.

  2. Picture that I captured during my latest visit to the lake.

  3. Two weekends ago I gave myself a curly Bob hair cut. I was not happy at first lol. But I look back to my longer hair days and think the shorter hair frames my face better. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

  4. Purchased this from Wally World and have been using it on Rosie’s hot spots. And it’s been helping!!! It was around $3.

  5. She’s been wearing shirts to have a barrier between her skin and her paws/nails. If not? She’d draw blood when she’d scratch her hot spots. She gets allergies and gets itchy and irritated. My poor baby.

I hope you have a great week! Do you have anything that you’re looking forward to this month? I’m looking forward to doing something out of my comfort zone and routine. I’m sure something will pop up! Thanks for reading!

Love, light, and the shadow too—-Cin.

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