Had some thoughts in my head and felt like writing them. It’s kind of nice having my little safe space on the World Wide Web. I know, I know, that is impossible to really ever be safe online but I meant it more as… It’s a space where I can do just this, share my thoughts and maybe get feedback. Often times not. But that does not mean that my words or thoughts went unread. And even if they do, that’s okay. Because I do this because it’s what feels good for me to do.
I’ve been blogging since High School. Unbeknownst to many of my friends at the time. It was my personal time. I’ve met many beautiful people that way. And have a sisterhood with many that I have yet to meet in person. Thanks to the internet and the blogging scene.
Anyway, I have something really cool planned for next week. And I can’t wait to share it with you and talk about my experience. It is something that I’ve been wanting to do for about two years now. I asked to be connected to the person that will guide me, and my guides and Universe responded! I found her last year on Instagram, and although I knew it would be her, the timing didn’t work out until this year. But that’s okay right? Divine timing. So it’s right on time!
I also have upcoming releases coming to Creations By Cindiy! The store is expanding in the sense that, I want to provide you with items that will help you on your journeys, and spirituality. I hope you stick around. I have to figure out the email list so that you can add your emails and be notified of updates and new releases. *
I hope you’re well!
Love, light, the shadowy side too, Cindia