Today I want to talk to you about dreams. Actually let me be a bit more specific. I want to talk about things that can help you dream, and help you remember your dreams. Okay, much better. But please remember, that anything that you read on my blog comes from my own personal experience unless I state otherwise. I read a lot of books, articles etc. I attend group meetings depending on my interest on the subject, and share what I pick up along the way. After all, this is why I made this blog in the first place! To have a place where I can organize my thoughts, and share them with whoever stumbles upon my little blog. Got it? Okay let’s go!

I enjoy sleep. Let me put that out there lol, there are times when I can sit and daydream about going home and sleeping a good sleep. I also enjoy dreams. They are usually little movies for me. Sometimes I get messages regarding my waking life, or messages for loved ones, sometimes I get revelations, I rarely have nightmares. And for that I am thankful. I used to lucid dream, and used to hate them. But after further educating myself about lucid dreams, I actually hoped for some, but it hasn’t happened since. The irony in that always makes me shake my head.

Some people can go to sleep and go into the REM sleep stage. Rapid eye movement is the stage when you’re deep into sleep. Its in this stage that we dream. To get into this stage of sleep you usually have to sleep a certain amount of hours. Not many people sleep long enough to get to this stage, and this might be why we hear people say “I don’t dream.” This is why a good sleeping schedule is helpful if you want to dream or dream more frequently.

When you go to bed at night, you want your brain and body to focus on just that. Resting, healing, rejuvenating etc. You don’t want your brain and body to worry about digesting food. Eating right before going to bed is not a good idea in the world of dreaming. Instead of dreaming, your brain has to redirect its energy toward digesting those 6 cookies that you ate. Yes, you said you’d only eat 2. But a cookie is a cookie. It needs to be digested. Trade the cookies for the dream, lol.

Something else that helps dreaming? Is going to bed with the intent of dreaming. Think or say to yourself, “I am going to sleep, I will have a restful sleep, I will dream dreams, and I will remember them all!” It helps. Do this every night. And now the sprinkles on top? CRYSTALS! You can use crystals to aid in dreaming, sleep, and remembering dreams!

Jade: Promotes dreams and dream recall. (I realize that I photographed the wrong stone and due to my OCD I will reupload this ASAP! But I’m hungry and need to eat dinner lol. Thanks for understanding!)
Clear Quartz: Focuses the mind, aids meditation, and relieves negativity. I used this one to magnify the effects of the Jade. 

Now that you’re dreaming, keep a dream Journal! I usually start on a blank page, and Title it “January” and jot down the dreams however long, short, unorganized the details—I write it all down. Its great looking back on your dreams. Something that I learned recently? Is that the colors in our dreams are also important. Try to remember if the dream was in color, black and white, what emotions you felt while dreaming or after waking up from the dream. That way you can learn to decipher if the dreams in color are the ones giving you an important message or a warning.

The problem that I was encountering was a little of both. Sometimes I would dream, and not remember the details or anything at all! Or I’d also go weeks without dreaming. I grabbed two crystals and placed them in a satchel (I charged them a few nights before under the moonlight—no specific moon phase and I set my intention on each stone. I grabbed it, placed it on my chest with my hand, and said “You will help me dream dreams, and remember those dreams.”) I placed the satchel inside of my pillow case, and slept. Nothing happened the first night. But the next one? I dreamt! And I was remembering them! I couldn’t believe how easily it happened. I will say, that I approached everything with optimism, and positivity! Remember;

Everything is Energy. Your thoughts begin it, your emotions amplify it, and your actions give it momentum.

Good luck! And sweet dreams.

Love and light, Cin.
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In 2017 an interest in crystals and stones sparked inside of me. This was a natural response to my growing knowledge about all things Chakras. I am not an expert! I am still learning and studying almost daily. I take breaks here and there when I feel over stimulated. Now that its 2020, I am comfortable in sharing my must haves for anyone showing interest in crystals and stones. Read on if you’re interested…

Whenever someone approaches me on the subject, they express feelings of being overwhelmed, curiosity, and sometimes even disbelief! I share with them my personal experiences with some of the crystals that I carry with me, and own. One being that I carried a crystal inside of my bra, and some time during the day I started to feel that I was feeling too much of something. I really didn’t know what it was, but something felt too powerful in me. And that I realized that I had been carrying the stone in my bra all day and took it out and placed it on my night stand. Within minutes, I started to feel less charged up, and felt more relaxed and back to normal. That was when I realized that I was responding to the vibrations and the energy emitted by the stone. That is when I became a believer. I share this as a way of letting whomever know, that they can always start with one crystal, and see how the react to it. And go from there.

The first thing that you will realize is that there are hundreds of crystals and varieties! I’ll admit that I felt overwhelmed at the Holistic shops while looking for a crystal. One thing that you will hear or read, is that often times we go into a store with the intention of purchasing a certain stone, but find ourselves being attracted and pulled in by a completely different stone! Trust me, its happened to me many times. I’d go in looking for a Quartz, and kept going back to an Agate stone. I’d look at what the benefits were of the Agate and was learned of its positive healing qualities for emotional security, and energy which I was lacking at the time. So you see, you can easily just stroll into a store or an aisle and let the crystals speak to you, and let them do the choosing for you.

Google is lovely and all, but I love having books at home that I can carry along in a tote if need be. If you find that this is helpful for you then this is the book that I go to for all things Crystal related. I’m in the process of identifying all of my own and storing them accordingly. It makes things easier for my practice. I also hate buying something and coming home to see that I already owned it. A good resource is The Crystal Healer by Philip Permutt. I own the large paperback copy from Amazon.com , but I’ve seen the pocket/purse edition at my local Barnes & Noble. The book is greatly organized into four chapters which lead to subchapters. The chapters include; Preparing for Crystal Work, Working with Crystals, The Crystal Finder (find your crystal and identify them by their color!) and Crystal Remedies in a total of 140+ pages.


The first Crystals that I owned? These right here…

Rose Quartz- this allows love to flow. Clear Quartz- this brings energy into a room. Amethyst cluster and smooth stone- this is relaxing and calming, but spiritually energizing.

Rose Quartz- this allows love to flow. Clear Quartz- this brings energy into a room. Amethyst cluster and smooth stone- this is relaxing and calming, but spiritually energizing.

I’d like to a personal story real quick; when my mother passed away, I kept her bag of clothes from the Hospital along with the belongings, and her black handbag that she’d carry daily. Inside of the handbag I found two blue Lapis lazuli stones. She’d carry them with her to help aid with physical ailments such as Arthritis. This deepened my faith and belief in Crystal work because my mother was one of the most Spiritual people that I’ve ever met or knew. She had many gifts and talents. I wish we would've talked more and more about this. But, I thank her because we are doing this work with her in the Spiritual realm and me in the Physical realm together. Always.

So, remember to have fun with this journey. The Crystals are beautiful, and you don’t have to be an expert or a Guru in order to work with them.

Love and Light, Cin.