Had some thoughts in my head and felt like writing them. It’s kind of nice having my little safe space on the World Wide Web. I know, I know, that is impossible to really ever be safe online but I meant it more as… It’s a space where I can do just this, share my thoughts and maybe get feedback. Often times not. But that does not mean that my words or thoughts went unread. And even if they do, that’s okay. Because I do this because it’s what feels good for me to do.

I’ve been blogging since High School. Unbeknownst to many of my friends at the time. It was my personal time. I’ve met many beautiful people that way. And have a sisterhood with many that I have yet to meet in person. Thanks to the internet and the blogging scene.

Anyway, I have something really cool planned for next week. And I can’t wait to share it with you and talk about my experience. It is something that I’ve been wanting to do for about two years now. I asked to be connected to the person that will guide me, and my guides and Universe responded! I found her last year on Instagram, and although I knew it would be her, the timing didn’t work out until this year. But that’s okay right? Divine timing. So it’s right on time!

I also have upcoming releases coming to Creations By Cindiy! The store is expanding in the sense that, I want to provide you with items that will help you on your journeys, and spirituality. I hope you stick around. I have to figure out the email list so that you can add your emails and be notified of updates and new releases. *

I hope you’re well!
Love, light, the shadowy side too, Cindia


Summer 2020 has left and today we have a rainy Saturday, in the mid 60s. I’ll be honest and admit that I enjoy the early Autumn days. The gnats are disappearing and so are the annoying space invaders that are the Spotted lantern flies. They fly in such a clumsy way and land wherever. Often times on you. I don’t care for insects but over the years have really respected them and their space. All I ask for is the same in return lol. Is that too much to ask for? Other than the fact that they kill trees and agriculture. They are a risk. My father has two old big trees in his back yard and they’re dried out. You can see the bark just peeling off. Others in his area have the same problem. I hate cold Winters but hopefully this one is cold enough and wipes some of them out for next year.

Another thing that comes up with the Fall is the Presidential election in the USA. I am reminded daily by texts and social media and signs on people’s house and cars. I am registered and have been since I became a Citizen. Don’t worry, I wont go in on anything political in this space. Just Vote. Vote for what you believe in and for what feels right within your heart.

Let me share some pictures that I have captured recently with the purpose of sharing them in this space:



Enjoyed tacos for dinner on Tuesday wink*, Rosie loves blankets. She will smell the blanket from the other room, and run up and just borrow beneath. You can notice her paws are still sorta raw. She gets these allergies every year during the end of the Summer into the Fall. Its been a lot of misses with this round though. Still trying to ease the discomfort and itchiness. The next picture is Rocky sleeping on the living room communal bed lol. Adrian’s books needed organizing. I did it in categories. He has super hero books, behavior and mood books, religious books which he really enjoys, and Holiday books as well. The Holiday ones are being kept on a different shelf. They’ll be added in later on in the year. The next picture is one of my mom’s rose bushes in the front of my father’s house. And the last picture is my little man this week off to school.

School… We take things one week at a time, one day at a time. Why? Because I am glad that he’s been able to attend school physically this year, and that could change from one day to the next. I am appreciative with how transparent they have been with everything, and always sending us emails with any update. He attends school on Mondays and Tuesdays and the remainder of the week I work with him from home with his school work and assignments. I just have such faith in the educational staff and the way that they’ve been working with us parents. It feels less of a stressor than it was in March. I try to space his days out BUT I have to also keep in mind that there will be good and bad days. So when we are both on the same page with tend to just do the most that we can, and get it out of the way. And its really helped because sometimes I give myself anxiety thinking about the next day and what it might be like, and yes, I remind myself that these fears are just that. Again, one day at a time, one school week at a time. Because it could all change.

I hope you're having a good week and if not, remember to be kind and gentle with yourself.

Love always, Cin.