The other day I sat with myself and started thinking back to when I embarked on the journey of my awakening. This happened when I started to question the rules and the norms around me. When I realized that life wasn’t rainbows and butterflies (I was eleven years old) and I can remember that I sat on my bed in my bedroom crying. I even wrote a letter to the President, and then crumpled it up and threw it away because I knew that he didn’t hold the answers for Humanity. And he wouldn’t—couldn’t do much about my concerns. That was ‘98, and in ‘99 I had my NDE (near death experience) and knew that there was more to life after “death”. But still had my reservations about the man known as Jesus and about God.

Fast forward from 1999 to 2003 and I am about to be taken on another ride. Now at 17 years old, I was entering my Senior year of High School and I was getting depressed. I was beginning to question friendships and the people in my life. As well as outgrowing my old tastes, and hobbies. I started to realize that the friendships that I held close, weren’t in alignment with who I was maturing into. It didn’t help that my mother started to have some health problems. I wasn’t feeling emotionally supported within the romantic relationship that I had been in since the age of 14 and mixed with my mental health being chipped away… I was slowly drowning. The relationship eventually ended shortly after January of 2004. That was the month a cousin of mine commited suicide. It was rough but it snapped me back to reality for a bit. And it forced me to get out of the unhealthy and morbid space that I had been in. For a bit.

I was feeling better. Started a new relationship and was on a roll. A lot of things happened in between, but the next awakening came around 2009. When I decided to start my natural hair journey. When I questioned why I felt the need to have my scalp burned off by deadly chemicals just to be or feel “beautiful“. I then began asking other women in my friends and family circles the same questions. This time period felt like a rollercoaster. The highs and the low lows. In 2010 I started getting my Spiritual gifts. The intuition that was never wrong, the little voice in my head that would know things, the dreams, I’d hear things as well. Nothing bad ever. But this was all new to me. So much so that I sought out counseling and was misdiagnosed as Bipolar in 2011. In 2016-17 is when I started to learn about Crystals, and meditation.

As you can see when it’s all written down. Awakening is a process, a journey. There are levels to it. And one thing that I can say for certain is that once it happens there’s no going back. It really is a blessing. But it might not feel like it while you’re going through it. It can be very uncomfortable and painful. It makes you take accountability for what you do or say. It helps you see that everything and everyone on this Planet (and beyond) are connected. It is also great at helping you see the bullshit for what it is. Bull shit. It also gave me back the freedom that was taken from me before I came to be. It helped change the narrative for me. All you have to do is not be afraid to ask those uncomfortable questions, even if it’s to yourself.

Love and light always, Cin.


This is one of my favorite topics to talk about, and the first installment in my Lets Talk About It series... Spirit guides! Let’s tackle the quick definition of the word first: Spirit guides are disincarnate beings that act as a guide or protector to a living incarnated human being. -yemoonyah.com

That’s right. You and I are incarnated. Everyone and everything on the other side, behind the veil, in Heaven, whatever you refer to it is as—are disincarnated. Before I came to live my life in this body as Cindia, I made an agreement with other disincarnated beings. Those beings agreed to help guide me from the spirit side. They agreed to send me signs, and signals, and dreams. I can also hear them speak to me. Have you ever been on your way to work, and feel the urge to avoid the route that you always take, and go another way, to find that you avoided traffic on your usual route? Well, that my friend could’ve been your guide coming to your aid.

There an many types of guides. And they help with different things. I’ve asked for help from my crafting/artistic guides. I call out to them when I am creating for my small business @CreationsByCindiy on Instagram. Or if I am stumped and can’t figure how to make something look a certain wait, I call out to them. I call out to my helper guides, whenever I am on my way somewhere and know that there will be limited parking. I say “Helper guides, I need your help. Please, go ahead of me and find me some parking please! Some place that’s near the entrance, but not far from the exit. Please, and thank you.” And 99% of the time, I will get to my destination, and I will find a parking spot right where I requested it. I’d say thank you again and go on about my day. Sometimes it wouldn’t work out that way, I’d still say “thank you for trying.” I make sure to ask nicely, and with love. I also express gratitude to them as much as I can. Would you want to help anyone if all they ever did was make demands, and never express their gratitude?

It is not a guarantee that you’ll have the same Spirit Guide your whole entire life. Some come and go, depending on your needs, also on your agreement. Maybe you’ve learned a lesson sooner than expected. Your guide that was working with you on that very lesson, may just move on.

Your Spirit Guides are your God given right to personal help, sorta like little assistants lol. They’re another reminder that we are not alone. One simply has to invite their help in. A simple “Hello, cooking guides… I need some help with this recipe tonight. What do you suggest? Thanks in advance.” And keep your heart, eyes and ears opened. Look for signs, whether in synchronicities, and or in repeated number patterns. Just to name a few. I sometimes have my phone locked, and in my hand. I might look down and see my phone on a certain website or YouTube video that I didn’t search for and find the answer that I needed. I often smile or laugh and say thank you. It is also possible to have an ancestor as a Spirit Guide.

You can also give them names or ask them for their names. One of my guides comes from the times of Jesus. He asked that I call him Abe, and that he’s here to help me with my Business. He was the one to whisper in my ear while I slept “Time to open up your Instagram store.” And I lucidly responded “But, I don’t have stuff to sell yet.” And he said “It’s okay, the sheep will come.” I recall smiling to myself thinking “Sheep? Who even talks like that?” and dosed back to sleep. A few weeks later I brought this up during a reading, and that’s when he came through and formally introduced himself. This is one of the pictures I found of him:

I have one of his pictures framed, and on my ancestral altar. I light a candle to him for gratitude, or talk to him when I feel a bit lost regarding my business ventures. He has a deep strong voice. And I listened when he spoke lol. My labor of love has been opened for a little over a year now and growing with supporters.

And because of my guides, and their persistence I will add my Cashapp info on here, and on all future posts. If you’ve ever learned anything, or felt like I helped you in any way, a small donation or exchange of energy is appreciated: $cincimma, cincimma in Venmo.

So, don’t be scared, they’ve been waiting for you to finally put them to work.

Love and light always, Cin.