01 | HERE I AM!

Hi! I decided to just take the plunge and get this blog rolling. I have wasted too much time thinking about this and what I want it to be and or become and enough is enough! I just have to get out here and do it. What good is thinking or daydreaming about it? It’ll never be perfect and that’s OKAY! So, here we are!

I uploaded my first official YouTube video 2 1/2 weeks ago and got a nice response. I have also been opening myself up a lot more on my social media which is Instagram. There came a time when I didn’t feel comfortable laying it all out for others to see, read, and criticize. But slowly via my IG stories, and openness in the comment sections, I am here now. Comfortable, and willing. Willing to let others in on my journey. Because let me tell you, the more that I have shared my stories, the more comfortable that I become in my own skin. And the more I realize…

We are all connected and really aren’t that different.

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Love & light always, Cin.