Talk about coming in with a bang! This year has been one for the books. Bombings, murders, natural disasters, disease, Impeachment, and untimedly deaths… I can only pray that February is kinder. But, I dont think so. I feel as if things are going to get worse. More prominent people will likely pass away. Why? Because as unfortunate as the truth may be, it’s that when bad things happen to the collective, people tend to become more humane. They express kindness and love more. And thats what this World needs more of right now. Thats the only thing that will make things feel better. The power of prayer or whatever you want to call it. Whether you send good vibes, thoughts, condolences (actually feeling the emotions) speaking the words out loud, or just by thinking “I send love to…” It all makes a difference! Science has proven that when we feel a certain emotion, we give off different vibes. Yes! Vibes are real and can be measured. Theyre also referred to as vibrations. Vibes just sounds more chill in my opinion. There’s just so much ugly right now, anger, resentment, lost souls, hurt people, and I honestly cant blame Mother Nature for reacting the way that she has been. For a very long time now. So yeah, remember to keep yourself protected and guarded. Or simply call out to your team of angels.

Rest in Peace to everyone that crossed over in the month on January 2020.

Things that I did in January? I took a break from Instagram. It wasnt as lengthy as my previous deactivation. 1 week and a half to be exact. Its okay. I am not on it as often! What else? I decided to start to move around more, I am on a mission to get in to better shape. I got my hair straightened by my Dominican hair lady Angela and I don’t care if its not good for my curls etc etc… I look nice with straight hair and I enjoy the convenience of it. I look just as nice with curly hair as well. It’s just it requires more maintenance. It’s hair, and it goes through its cycles lol I can always cut it off. I also went to spend some more time at the Lake.

Ill end this here.

Love and light, Cin.

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