One way that I can make this space feel like my own is by the stories that I share with you. There are many stories being written throughout my days. Your days. Some more productive than others because duh, we’re humans! And because of that posts like these will be sprinkled here and there. Posts like what you ask?

Posts highlighting the times that I feel low. Where I discuss my journey with depression and anxiety.

Ive been feeling low lately. My emotions have been sorta all over the place. Physically and emotionally I’m experiencing the following depression symptoms:

• fatigue or more than usual (I’m a member of the always fatigued club*)
• sleep problems
• loss of interest in the things that I enjoy.
• Change in appetite
• Irritability
• Back pain/ body aches/ muscle tension/ clenching my teeth.

Just to name a few! And if you think you’re feeling this way feel free to use your favorite search engine and read up on the symptoms and what you can do. But if you ever think about hurting yourself get HELP!

What sucks most is that as much as I try to get a hold of all of these emotions, and nip them—- that’s not always the reality. The rollercoaster ride can last a few more hours, days? BUT it always passes. And this too shall pass. I just have to keep checking myself and reminding myself of that. And if you’re reading this, and have been feeling low I’m glad you’re here for this and hopefully feel a little at ease knowing that you’re NOT alone and that you got this! But don’t hesitate to voice that you need help if you do. Today was one of those days for me. I voiced that I wasn’t well. I’ll be sharing more about my emotional and mental health and the long journey that it has been and will continue to be. But, trust me… the more open and honest that you are about your feelings you’ll see the tools that you need to ride this ride until we get to The Better Days platform.

Love and light, Cin.