Hi again! Let’s get right to it!

I’ve been trying to create a new morning routine. Right now this is what it looks like:

  • Letting my dog Rosie out to relieve herself.

  • Adrian feeds Rosie.

  • I make Adrian’s breakfast.

  • I wash the morning dishes.

  • New* I workout at home.

  • New* I pick a daily oracle card.

  • I hydrate all morning. I rarely eat breakfast and one thing that aids my digestion is to drink water in the early morning.

  • Help Adrian with vocabulary words, spelling, reading, numbers etc.

Just to give you an idea. But, yes, routines help. They really do. And with all of ours being shaken and stirred while practicing social distancing, and staying home as much as possible, this gives me some sense of normalcy! I find myself picking up my cellphone and calling people. Just to hear their voice, and to socialize! Yes, I’ve been a pro at being an introvert throughout the years BUT when you’re told to introvert you sorta want to rebel and do the opposite—-DONT! Stay your tush at home as much possible. And calling people on the phone is the next best thing for me. What does your morning/start of day routine look like now?

After my workout I picked two cards. I picked from my daily oracle cards, and my spirit animal deck. And these were the cards:

Dolphin: Tune into the rhythm of your breath to find stillness and patience. And “There is a stream of love supporting my dreams.”

Dolphin: Tune into the rhythm of your breath to find stillness and patience. And “There is a stream of love supporting my dreams.”

Patience. That is a word that has been following me this month. Messages telling me to be patient, to wait for what is coming because it’ll be worth it. I just have to trust the process and the Universe. And I share this message with you! Find calmness in being still, find comfort and patience in being still. Because I have a feeling that once this is in the past we will all be buzzing around like bees 🐝.

Love and light, Cin.