Hello there! It’s been a hot minute since my last post. But I’m sure you can agree that there’s a lot going on around the World and in our own back yards. Yup, Covid-19 bka CORONAVIRUS! Did you read that in Cardi B’s voice?

As an empath times like these just suck. They truly do. I feel all of the sadness, anxiety, etc all at once or different points of my days. I’ve had to pull out my crystals and carry them in a satchel and keeping them close to my heart. I’ve been laying low, staying indoors except to go to the market (when absolutely necessary) or to go to my father’s house (I am his caretaker and that’s also my paying job) and doing what he needs and sitting at a distance from him. My son only goes outside to play with us, or if we go to the local lake just to walk around. I am thankful for that little spot of ours. I brought both he and his dad along yesterday and they loved it. Here are some pictures from our afternoon there:

Adrian captured this picture w/ the help of his dad.

Adrian captured this picture w/ the help of his dad.

Some local dogs and their owners were strolling. Don’t worry, we kept our distance.

Some local dogs and their owners were strolling. Don’t worry, we kept our distance.

Adrian captured this one. I like it lol

Adrian captured this one. I like it lol

Another one of Adrian’s.

Another one of Adrian’s.


I’ve been keeping myself (my brain) busy by painting, drawing, reading, studying about spirituality, homeschooling (mentally draining! And reminding myself that it’s okay! This is new for both Adrian and I) his classroom goes virtual as of 4/14. Right now it’s “Spring Break.” I have also been working out at hone and joined in on an April 5lbs a week challenge via Instagram. And since I’m on the subject, I erased the app from my phone and only go on via the web browser because (never fails) every time I’ve had enough of that app I always have something pending via IG when this happens—-I feel overloaded by emotional and to be 100% honest with you? I just don’t want to see what everyone else is up to. I don’t want to know. I really don’t. Overall my emotional state and mental health is not where Id it like it to be. But I’m not wallowing either. I’m being gentle with myself. Trying to shut out all of the outside noise and keeping myself centered and grounded.

Oh!  I developed a stye yesterday after the stroll around the lake 😑. So that’s that lol. How have you been?

Love & Light, Cin.