Born and raised an Island girl (Dominican Republic —> Long Island NY) I feel my best when I am near a body of water. I will be honest, and admit that I didn’t take advantage of the fact that the ocean wasn’t far from me while growing up. But, I’d see it during long drives and it was comfortable. However now I am living my adult years in Pennsylvania, and you have to get creative when it comes to water. Luckily, there are many creeks, lakes, and rivers nearby. And I finally decide to visit one.
This lake isn’t too far from my home which is why I wont share its name. It is beautiful with a bridge to walk on and take in all of the beauty that is nature. This lake is where I filmed my first video. I had just gotten my hair braided, and the morning was cool and comfortable. When I went, there were only a few fishermen. They weren’t in the exact area where I parked, but nearby. There was even a tree trunk stoop left behind to be used for seating. And that is where I sat down and enjoyed the view.
My next visit I want to throw a charm up this same tree and decorate it lol. Sort of as a claim, or a sign that I was there. Something that I have noticed while working on myself, is that whenever I am having a hard time I my life I always find my thoughts leading me to water. It grounds me. We used to have a huge tree in our backyard, but because its roots were threats the foundation of the house we decided to chop it down. But, at the end of Summer ‘19 Joe purchased a beautiful tree and planted it for me. I walk up to it every morning and whisper “I love you, grow!” to its branches. She is tiny, so I hope she makes it. I will rely on her to help with my grounding practices. But, until then…
I propped my phone on the trunk of a tree that looks like it was rotting away. But, even with all of the twines, and roots and webs wrapped on the trunk I found it to be beautiful.
Another thing that helps ground me is to take time and notice my surroundings. I take in the sounds, smells, sights and everything else around me. I am usually in my head a lot. Thoughts, ideas, dreams, feelings, etc etc and that sucks sometimes. Why? Because when I am too into my head I don’t focus on my surroundings as much and this throws me off. This is why I must do things to keep myself grounded, and in return I feel whole.
I mean… Look at those furry cuties! I love cows and the way the hair on the top of their heads look. They resemble tiny toupees lol.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed these pictures.
Love and light always, Cin.