Sixth Chakra

Ajna/Third Eye Chakra

Linked externally to the physical body between and slightly above the eye brows. It is associated with the pineal gland.

Popular Scents Associated: Clary Sage, Patchouli, Sandal Wood, Frankincense, Rosemary, Juniper Berry. Scents can be used during meditation and throughout the day. This will nourish and help balance your chakra.

Popular Crystals Associated: Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Indigo Kyanite, Black Tourmaline, Turquoise, Amethyst, Sodalite, Labrodorite

Color Associated: Indigo, white, deep purple

Foods: Think purple! Purple grapes, blackberries, blueberries, purple kale, purple potatoes, elderberries, purple cabbage, plums, purple dragon fruit.

Signs of a balanced Third Eye chakra: This chakra is linked to your intuition, awareness and understanding. A good indicator that this chakra is healthy and balanced is that you’re able to go within and trust your intuition. And when you’re tuning into yourself you’re able to trust that knowledge. You feel emotionally balanced.

I’ll go a little deeper with this chakra and give you a small list of what you may feel or experience as this chakra is activating. These symptoms might manifest as: frequent headaches, migraines, body aches, tooth ache, deeper spiritual connection, enhances intuition and/or psychic abilities. Intense dreams, memory recall, low physical energy, increased self awareness just to name a few.

Signs of An Unbalanced Third Eye chakra: Poor judgment, decreased psychic abilities, decreased dreams/dream recall, decreased self awareness, poor imagination. Not trusting your decision making skills. Nightmares, obsessions, clairvoyance is too heightened, delusions.

Affirmations: I am wise, I am intuitive, I see and think clearly, I am opened minded, I seek the truth, divine light and wisdom flow through me, I am in tune with the flow of life!

Side note: Each post will always be up for editing. Meaning, as time passes and I learn more and more I might have to tweak a few things here and there. I’ll try to be mindful and add an edit date on the post after each edit.

If you’d like to donate or support me and my blog: Cashapp $cincimma , Venmo @cincimma funds go towards learning materials, and monthly website domain fees.


What is a chakra? A chakra is an intangible energy field that is aligned vertically in specific areas of the body. Chakra is a Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “wheels of light”. Which is no surprise as a chakra is envisioned as a “wheel” or “swirl of energy”.

Before I go on about the chakras, you have to know a little about the aura and what it is. Known in Hindu tradition as the “Prana” and in Chinese culture known as “chi”, an aura is a measurable electromagnetic energy field that interacts with your physical body. Often described as, a “glow around a person”. The colors of your aura can identify your personal strengths, whether you’re healthy/not healthy, your emotional state plus more. There are places where one can go and have their aura photographed. It would be a fun outing either alone or with loved ones. The reason you needed to know about the aura is because this energy field interacts with the physical body by flowing through specific spirals of energy known as… You got it! The chakras!

There are many different chakras but there are seven main ones that interact with the body’s peripheral nervous system. They remove the bad energy from the body while replacing it with good energy. When a chakra is unbalanced, uncared for, blocked or clogged (all different terms used) one feels depressed, anxious or it can cause physical symptoms. It is vitally important that one takes care and balances their chakras in a proper way. Indian teachings indicate that all of our physical diseases are a result of separation from the infinite Universe.

Okay, now that you’re a little more familiarized with chakras…Welcome to this new series of mine! It’s been a long time coming! And I am doing it with you in mind and heart. My hope is that you will leave here feeling a little more enlightened, and able to have basic knowledge of the seven chakras, what they are and how they affect you. I’ll break it down to one chakra at a time, and include suggestions on how you can start working with them on your own. As well as learning to identify an imbalance, suggestions on tools you can use and more!

Side note: Each post will always be up for editing. Meaning, as time passes and I learn more and more I might have to tweak a few things here and there. I’ll try to be mindful and add an edit date on the post after each edit.

Seventh Chakra

Sahasrara/Crown Chakra

Located at the top of the head and radiates upwards. This chakra is nourished by its connection to life force energy of the divine and divine wisdom. It is associated with the pineal gland.

Popular Scents Associated: Frankincense, Myrrh, and Lavender. Scents can be used during meditation and throughout the day. This will nourish and help balance your chakra.

Popular Crystals Associated: Clear quartz, Amethyst, Rainbow moonstone, selenite and others… Crystals can be worn/carried/held throughout the day and during meditation place near or on the associated chakra’s location. This will nourish and help balance your chakra.

Color Associated: Violet (although rainbow color is often described coming from the crown chakra). You can wear violet/purple colored clothing and accessories. This will nourish and help balance your chakra.

Foods: Purple or white colored foods, sunlight, meditating, fresh air and fasting. This will nourish and help balance your chakra.

*There are videos that play frequencies that help nourish your chakras. You can also find/listen to many guided meditation videos for this purpose free on YouTube. There are also paid applications available for your cellphone or tablet. Or check out your local Holistic centers and practitioners near you that you can hire to assist. There are many who do this practice via Zoom! Since it’s energy work, you don’t have to be in the same location!

Signs of a balanced crown chakra are feeling inspired, having awareness of self and others. Mental clarity, confidence, compassionate, you might feel tingly or zap like feeling in brain, quality sleep and balanced emotions just to name a few.

Signs of an unbalanced crown chakra are headaches, an overactive mind, lacks compassion, obsession, epilepsy, high blood pressure, sensory sensitivities, disconnection from self and others, feeling superior to others, being/feeling ungrounded, trouble sleeping and being easily angered and more…

Affirmations: I am. I trust. I am light. I am divine.
I am at peace.

If you’d like to donate or support me and my blog: Cashapp $cincimma , Venmo @cincimma funds go towards learning materials, and monthly website domain fees.